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the poor miller’s boy
可怜的磨坊学徒和猫  detail>>
gas buster、poor boy
泥浆-气体分离器 气体分离器  detail>>
poor boy rib
单面抽互锁布  detail>>
poor-boy core barrel
手工制管式取心筒  detail>>
poor-boy job
一揽子承包作业  detail>>
poor-boy rig
浅井钻机  detail>>
the poor boy in the grave
墓中可怜的孩子  detail>>
he’s just a poor boy from a poor family
他只是个穷苦孩子,出生于穷苦家庭  detail>>
let me tell you the story of a poor boy
让我为你讲述一个可怜男孩的故事  detail>>
lies a poor boy with his broken toy
一个可怜的小男孩,还有他破旧的玩具就在那 里躺 一个可怜的小男孩,还有他破旧的玩具就在那里躺  detail>>
 n.  米勒〔姓氏〕。  n.  1.磨坊主,面粉厂主;工厂经营人。 2.铣床;铣工。 3.碾磨机工人。&n...  detail>>
a boy’s will
一个男孩的意愿 一个男孩儿的愿望  detail>>
 n.  1.少年,童子,男孩;儿子。 2.孩子气的男子;活泼的男子,男子;青年;〔口语〕小伙子;〔蔑称〕家伙。 3.仆人,侍役,勤杂人员,服务员。&...  detail>>
boy in
女仔同你表白你会点  detail>>
boy is
少年,男孩,男仆,男侍  detail>>
there is a boy
有个男孩  detail>>
this boy
童年 这名男孩  detail>>
be poor at
在……比较差  detail>>